
Diagnostic and Treatment by Computer Medicomat

$ 314.16

Availability: 100 in stock
  • Condition: New
  • Brand: Medicomat
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    Medicomat® Medical Automat Series * THE WORLD'S BEST HEALTHCARE APPARATUS
    Fully Automatic Treatment at Home - Auto-selection of acupuncture points on the ear, hand, foot and SPA. The only action he or she needs to take is the adjustment of the intensity of the pulse. Unique silver fiber conductive socks and gloves exclusive for acupuncture massage therapy. Semiconductor low-level (output 1-5mW, wavelength 650nm, GaAlAs semiconductor) laser irradiation the nasal and the wrist.
    Health Test and Therapy Computer System - In 5 Minute, It Can Know Your Body Health Status - 47 Health Reports; software is free updateable and comes with 12 languages: English, Spanish,... on the same machine.
    Note: This machine comes without computer * Working Conditions Operation System: Windows 10, 8, 7, Port USB 1.1/2.0 Read more at Medicomat.com and view product video at Medicomat.com/yt29.php
    Medicomat Health Computer System is extensively used in beauty salon, SPA club, clinics, health examination centre, health care products shop, direct selling, massage center, health center, etc. It can also be used for promoting health food and nutritional supplement, etc. Family use is also available.
    Free Shipping Worldwide - Delivery of this item is carried out from Hong Kong by express courier services.
    Computer quantum health check system is a kind of health examination instrument that can make noninvasive and swift checkup to human body. The electromagnetic wave signals emitted by the human body represent the specific state of the human body, and the emitted electromagnetic wave signals are different under the different conditions of the human body. It can issue very detailed 41 health reports. According to health status, it can give suggestion to improve health. Computer therapy and acupuncture provides the massage through the acupoints in projecting parts of body, readjusting the functions. Fully Automatic Treatment - auto-selection of acupuncture points on the ear, hand, foot and SPA. The conductive garments (Gloves and Socks) are made with high quality silver fiber threads which conduct the electrical impulses throughout the whole garment, providing acupuncture and massage therapy over the complete area covered by the garment. Producing an even distribution giving maximum comfort and efficiency, and complete ease of use. Laser irradiate the nasal and the wrist for blood viscosity, oxygen carrying capacity, fat, cholesterol, circulation. Operation System: Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows XP/Vista COM Port USB 1.1/2. Package Includes: Main Machine x 1 piece + USB Cable x 1 piece + Test Rod x 1 piece + CD/USB Software x 1 piece + USB(Dongle/Key) x 1 piece + Ear electrode × 4 pairs + Conductive Electrode Gloves: 1 pair model: G101 size: L color: silver grey + Conductive Socks Electrode: 1 pair model: S101 size: 43-46 color: grey + Electrode pads × 1 pair + Two-pin wire × 2 pieces + Machine-Computer USB-Wire x 1 piece + Aluminum case x 1 piece + User Manual × 1 copy.